General information BG
What to throw in the green bin BG
What to throw in the yellow bin BG
Biodegradable waste BG
Campaign “I know what I throw away” – results BG
Tips for proper waste separation BG
Collect separately – Leaflet BG

D4.5. Report on training on Circular Business Models
D2.6. Design new waste management system BG
D2.3. Circular economy and waste BG
D1.6. Green Management Plan BG
D1.4. Promotional products
D1.3. Project leaflet
D2.3. Report on training „Circular Economy and Waste“
The training “Circular Economy and Waste” was delivered as part of the capacity building actions for municipality Pomorie to implement the new waste management system. The target group included municipal councillors, mayors of mayoralties and experts in the municipal administration.
D2.4. Study Tour Report
The report summarizes the study tour held in Parma, Italy for studying on the ground the consistent steps and actions that Parma has taken to introduce door-to-door collection and PAYT.
D2.5. Analysis of current situation in Pomorie
The document presents an analysis of the present state of all aspects of municipal waste management in Pomorie which relate to the introduction of the new waste management system by the municipality.
D2.7. Paper on value added of Parma experience
The paper presents the outstanding results of municipality Parma in terms of increased rate of separate collection and recycling of waste and the development of the waste fee, comparing its results with other municipalities.
D4.1. Report on the first survey on the population
The document presents the results of the first survey of the attitudes of the population in Pomorie, carried out in December 2023.
D4.3. Communication Strategy