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Place of execution: Municipality Pomorie

Budget: € 1 549 367.49

Funding from the EU: € 929 620.49

Duration: 01.07.2023 – 30.06.2026

Project partners:

Municipality Pomorie – coordinator

Municipality Pomorie is located in the South-Eastern region in Bulgaria on an area of 413,189 км². The municipality includes 17 settlements, of which 3 cities and 14 villages. The population is 25 509 people (NSI, 31.12.2022), with over 50% of them living in the city of Pomorie, which is the municipal administrative centre.
The city of Pomorie is located on the Black Sea coast on the narrow rocky peninsula of the same name, 3.5 km into the Black Sea, on the northwest coast of the Burgas Bay. From the south, east and northeast, the city is surrounded by the sea, and from the north – by Lake Pomorie, which is a protected area. The city is a famous seaside, spa and rehabilitation resort with warm mineral waters and tourism is a structural branch of the local economy.

Bulgarian municipalities face significant challenges to meet the waste targets set in the European and national legislation:

  • 65% in weight of preparing for reuse and recycling by 2035
  • maximum 10% sent to landfill by 2035

Bulgaria has a much lower level of household waste recycling compared to the EC average. Currently, disposal in landfills registers the highest rate among the waste treatment methods, while the recycling and recovery rate is low. Biodegradable waste is not yet collected separately. The basic principle “Polluter pays” is still not applied in the country. Residents pay a fee for household waste, which does not take into account their actual waste generation and does not stimulate the reduction and separate collection of waste.
All these gaps apply to municipality Pomorie as well. The municipality clearly understands the urgent need of changes in the way of waste management and in 2020 planned to introduce a comprehensive new approach to household waste management, applying the good practice of municipality Parma, Italy. Due to a lack of clear guidance, internal capacity and resources, the municipality developed a project and applied for grant funding under the LIFE Programme.

The project specific objectives are to:

Increase the capacity to develop, apply and manage a new integrated waste management system

Ensure software, technical and institutional infrastructure for collection of municipal waste

Apply new schemes for door-to-door collection of household waste and PAYT

Increase the knowledge and commitment of residents of municipality Pomorie to practice sustainable consumption, waste prevention and separate collection

Preparatory actions

Strengthening the capacity for project implementation
Study the experience of Parma, Italy
Analyses of the current situation in municipality Pomorie
Design of the new system for waste management

Awareness raising and participation of local stakeholders

Surveys of the attitudes of households and businesses
Elaboration of a Communication Strategy
Consultations with stakeholders
Educational actions and campaigns

Pilot testing of door-to-door waste collection in a selected area in the city of Pomorie

Development, testing and implementation of an ITC platform for waste management
Ensure technical equipment
Pilot door-to-door collection
Analysis of the results of the pilot testing

Full implementation of the door-to-door collection

Preparatory actions
Building the capacity for management of the new system
Implementation of the new scheme in the whole city
Adoption of PAYT waste fee

Ensuring sustainability and replication

Development of a Sustainability, Exploitation and Replication Plan
Promotion of results to catalyse the replication of the project approach by other municipalities
Capacity building of stakeholders