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Start of the “I know what I throw away” campaign in 33 households in the city of Pomorie

33 households from residential building 13 in Svoboda district in the city of Pomorie have taken part in the “I know what I throw away” campaign. Within a month, the generated waste will be separately collected and sorted by type – paper, plastic packaging/metal, glass, bio waste/organic and residual/mixed waste. Before throwing it out in the provided containers, experts will analyze and collect data on the proper separation of the collected mixed and separated waste and its quantity. For the purpose of the campaign, the households received the necessary quantities of different colored bags and special boxes for the organic and residual waste.

The campaign is part of the Pomorie Municipality project “Holistic approach to waste management in the transition to a circular economy”. It aims to introduce a system binding the amount of the household waste fee to the amount of generated waste and carrying out information campaigns among citizens and businesses. The collected data from the households in the pilot area – residential building 13 in Svoboda district will be useful for the Municipality to prepare the design of the new integrated waste management collection system. It includes implementation of technologies for smart management of the waste collection and disposal. The project will use the experience of the Municipality of Parma, Italy, where the implementation of the “pay as you throw” system (PAYT) has helped solving the waste collection problems and pollution in the region.

“I am convinced that you will set the good example that we all need and that will encourage the residents of Pomorie to follow it, with a clear understanding of the benefits of the proper sorting and separate collection of waste in order to reduce the total amount of the generated waste and the corresponding fees for its disposal. Thank you for your activity, because without the active participation of everyone, this project cannot achieve its planned final results,” said the Mayor of Pomorie – Ivan Aleksiev during a meeting with the residents of building 13 in Pomorie.

“When we start to separate and properly sort waste at home, we understand in the easiest way how much and what kind of waste we generate, what part of our waste can be recycled and what is our way of consumption. We ourselves will realize many of the right steps to change our behavior as consumers, so that we can effectively participate in the transition to environmentally friendly and more economical consumption,” explained Georgi Petkov – project manager.

The project aiming at pioneering an innovative holistic approach to the household waste management collection in Pomorie Municipality is co-financed by the LIFE Programme of the European Union, together with four partners – three from Bulgaria / Theoremus, Club Economika 2000 and “Ecobulpack Bulgaria” / and one from Italy – the environmental organization Zero Waste Italy.

The deadline of its implementation is 30.06.2026.