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In Pomorie almost 30 business representatives took part in the seminar “Circular business models”

Almost thirty business representatives from Pomorie took part in the seminar, focused on “Circular business models”. It was held on 29 October as a part of the project “Holistic approach for waste management within the transition to circular economy”, co-financed by European Union LIFE Programme.

The seminar “Circular business models” aimed to assist local owners of hotels and restaurants, as well other commercial establishments, in preparation for circular economy transition and for the new municipality waste management system. Subjects from the priority areas and expected waste management legislation were discussed. Examples and good practices for circular business decisions were also shared, emphasizing on food and accommodation business.

The main purpose of the project, a part of which was the seminar, is a new municipal waste collecting system to be introduced in Pomorie, based on the amount of waste disposed and subsequent waste fee payment, according to the principle “pay as you throw”