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A pilot for Bulgaria project, implemented by Pomorie Municipality, introduces a circular approach in household waste management

23On Tuesday, 22 August 2023 in the Art gallery in Pomorie was held an introductory press conference on the project “Holistic approach to waste management in the transition to a circular economy”.

The project is co-financed by the LIFE Programme of the European Union. The Grant agreement was signed between Pomorie Municipality as a coordinating partner and The European ClimateInfrastructure and Environment Executive Agency (CINEA).

In the presence of the Mayor of Pomorie Ivan Aleksiev, the Deputy Mayor Yancho Iliev, citizens and different stakeholders, the project manager Georgi Petkov presented the main goals and activities: introduction of a new waste management system, based on the quantity of the generated waste, as well as carrying out an information campaign among citizens and businesses.

Until now, the municipal waste fee is based on the tax assessment of a property, which does not correctly reflect the essence of the service – it does not take into account how much waste a household/business enterprise actually generates.

“The successful implementation of this project mainly depends on the citizens of Pomorie Municipality. Without the active participation of everyone – municipality, citizens and business enterprises, without understanding the benefits of the separate collection in order to reduce the total amount of waste, this project cannot achieve its planned final results,” said Mayor Aleksiev.

The pilot project will be implemented in an area of the city of Pomorie, implementing technologies for smart management of the waste collection and disposal. The project will use the experience of the Municipality of Parma, Italy, where the “pay as you throw” system (PAYT) has helped solving the pollution problems. Pomorie Municipality will soon present a waste collection calendar for the pilot area. Residents are expected to actively implement the separate waste collection approach.

The project duration is 3 years – from 01.07.2023 to 30.06.2026.